by Léa
thought I'd do a little post about EC.
EC is a short for Elimination Communication, also called diaper free. You can read about it here:
Remember, I started EC'ing Dyllon around 5 months old... Well to be honest I really started at the hospital. When he was 2 weeks old he was doing great, but it was causing a little bit of stress because he wasn't taking good naps, as he would scream like crazy every time his diaper was wet. So I stopped. Around 5 months I noticed his diaper being dry more often so I started again, and within a few days I was only having about 1-2 misses a day, a miss being a wet diaper.
I rely on timing (after naps, feeds), cues (he becomes fussy) and just intuition (yes yes, you get the knowing all the sudden: he needs to go).
Dyllon is now wearing the cutest teeny tiny undies, and goes on the potty all the time.
I am the first one to be amazed at how well this is working.