The things I look forward to
by Léa
I am now 16 weeks pregnant. I felt the baby move today. The belly is popping out, and I am already an embarrassing number of pounds heavier than I was 3 months ago, but I am not sharing numbers.
I will post a picture soon, cause my little sister Débora is nagging me about it. Only I have to find the clothes that make me look good, no success so far.
Okay, so in less than 6 months, I will be doing my most favorite thing in the world: nursing my little one.
I confess: I am fanatic about nursing. I can't wait to nurse him. I am so happy God created us that way.
Noa was a struggle with nursing, I didn't seek help from the right people (my fault), so with Sandy I spent my entire pregnancy getting info on breastfeeding (thank you INTERNET, I LOVE you), and with God's grace it went amazingly well!
Also I can't wait to wear my baby. Don't they make the nicest slings these days? You don't have to look like a hippy anymore. When sandy was born, hardly anyone was wearing their baby, and they didn't look half as nice as they make them now.
At this stage I have forgotten about the 2-3-4 nursings at night....the spit ups...the explosive poopoos...I'll just let baby remind me about them when he comes, and I'll daydream about the perfect baby until then!
Really I should post a picture. Okay i'll go upstairs now and take a picture in the clothes I am wearing now because I am too lazy to get the pretty dress out of the dryer and put it on.
ok, there you go, I'll try and do better next time!